Date: Friday, May 16, 2025 - 8:00am to Saturday, May 17, 2025 - 4:30pm 1620 Anderson Rd 95616 Davis , CA See map: Google Maps InfoRegisterSave The Date! / ¡Reserva la Fecha! May 16-17, 2025 Mark your calendars and join us! ¡Marquen sus calendarios y únanse a nosotros! Together We'll / Juntos: - DISCOVER the cooperative difference - DESCUBRIREMOS la diferencia cooperativa - SHARE the latest developments in cooperatives - COMPARTIREMOS los últimos avances en cooperativas - GAIN INSIGHTS to strengthen your cooperative - OBTENDREMOS CONOCIMIENTO para fortalecer tu cooperativa - NETWORK with other cooperators - CONECTAREMOS con otros cooperadores Join the California Co-op Conference Planning Committee! Each year, the California Center for Cooperative Development (CCCD) invites cooperative partners to serve on the California Co-op Conference Planning Committee. We particularly want people from co-ops or support organizations in the greater Sacramento region (including Davis!), but applications from people around the state are also welcome. The planning committee works hand-in-hand with CCCD staff to create an engaging, meaningful, and impactful conference experience. For the most part serving on the Planning Committee is a labor of co-op love, but members who consistently serve attend the conference without charge. Time Commitment: Approximately 3-8 hours per month from January through May, with fewer hours in January through February, and increasing in March through May. Why Join? Collaborate with co-op leaders and professionals from across California. Shape an event that celebrates and strengthens the cooperative movement. Contribute to creating an inclusive and dynamic program. Assist in fundraising to keep the conference affordable to all. Build connections with people who share your passion for co-ops. If you are interested in joining the 2025 California Co-op Conference Planning Committee, please contact: and attach the Planning Committee Request form. Together, we can make the conference a resounding success! SpeakersCall for Presenters: 2025 California Co-op Conference May 16 & 17, 2025: Davis, CA CCCD is seeking presenter proposals for the 2025 California Co-op Conference. Presenting at the co-op conference allows you to contribute to the co-op movement, to interact with amazing people, and to participate in the conference for free or at reduced costs. * Conference workshops should focus on promoting, starting, and effectively operating a cooperative, strategies in assisting cooperatives, or sharing a story about an innovative or interesting cooperative. Workshops can be applicable to all kinds of co-ops or targeted to specific sectors. The conference will include special emphasis on the following sectors: Housing Cooperatives Worker Cooperatives or Democratic ESOPs (including conversions and worker co-op farms) Consumer Food Cooperatives Agriculture Cooperatives Shared Services and Multistakeholder MCLE accredited workshops for attorneys (presented in a manner that is also valuable to non-attorneys) How to Apply: Please complete and submit the Call for Presenter Form by Monday, Feb 10, 2025, via email: We welcome proposals for workshops consistent with the themes presented below. Below are general workshop themes: Co-op Governance and Communication--Help leaders effectively make decisions, communicate, or monitor the financial performance of their cooperative. We encourage workshops across the experience spectrum. Cooperative Basics & Start-up--Effective approaches and strategies for starting a cooperative, including the conversion of an existing business to a cooperative. An important area in start-up includes the many ways that start-ups can be capitalized. Legal Issues in Cooperatives--Preference is given for workshops that will qualify for MCLE credit. Finance and Equity Issues--Funding strategies for start-up, growth or for special purposes. Workshops that help existing co- ops manage and grow equity or to use it in productive, innovative ways. Cooperative Culture and Member Engagement--Strategies to maintain a positive cooperative culture and help members stay involved from start-up through growth and change. Co-op Case Studies--Detailed accounts of co-ops that present meaningful lessons for strategies to emulate and those to avoid. How Co-ops Promote Economic Development & Address Community Needs--Designed for Economic/Community Development Professionals, City Staff and Elected Officials, sessions can share examples of initiatives, projects, and strategies. We especially welcome proposals about limited equity housing cooperatives. Advancing the Co-op Movement--Big picture ideas, examples, and strategies. *Full-day conference fee is waived for solo presenters who present one workshop, with half-price fee for the second day; full conference fee is waived for 2 solo workshops. Workshop panels of up to 3 participants each gain 40% discount on the conference fee. Further discounts apply for presenters who participate in more than one workshop or panel. For questions or concerns, please contact CCCD. Be a SponsorBecome a Conference Sponsor California Cooperative Conference Sponsorship Form The California Co-op Conference is the only statewide conference that brings together co-ops from different sectors to share and learn from one another. Cooperatives are a vital tool for creating worker-owned businesses, food cooperatives that promote food security and linkages with local producers, and promoting affordable home ownership and childcare. Convened by the California Center for Cooperative Development (CCCD), a charitable non-profit, Conference Sponsorship offers a unique opportunity to support co-op education and showcase your organization’s commitment to a democratic business model that promotes local economic development, equity, and community. Conference sponsorship will: Make your organization known as an innovative leader and supporter of cooperative enterprises Allow for Networking and communication directly with clientele in an engaging atmosphere Impact your community by promoting a business model that embodies triple bottom line economics Sponsorship Tiers Cooperative Superstar - $10,000+ This important tier offers all the benefits of the Cooperative Hero level in addition to a special “thank you” placard on each table at the sponsored lunch and social, in addition to one additional complimentary conference registrations (for a total of three). Luncheon Sponsor - $9,000 OR Meal Sponsor - $4,500 This important tier offers all the benefits of the Cooperative Champion level, “thank you” call out, and a placard noting meal sponsorship on the lunch table or on the spread of the social (your choice), in addition to one additional complimentary conference registration (for a total of two) Cooperative Hero - $3,500 Your organization / co-op's name and logo will receive prominent recognition at the conference: Website Social media content (3x) Email & print promotion Printed agenda & promo materials in participant folder Signage at registration, the podium, & conference hall Verbal recognition Two complimentary conference registrations Complimentary tabling Cooperative Champion - $2,000 Your organization / co-op's name and logo will receive distinct recognition at the conference: Website Social media content (2x) Email & print promotion Printed agenda & program Signage at registration, the podium, & conference hall Verbal recognition One complimentary conference registration Complimentary tabling Cooperative Accelerator - $1,000 Your organization / co-op's name and logo will be included at the conference: Website Social media content (1x) Email & print promotion Printed agenda & program Signage at registration Cooperative Sparkplug - $500 Your organization / co-op's name will be listed in the conference: Website Printed agenda & program Signage at registration Cooperative Enthusiast Donation of any amount welcomed to support the Co-op Scholarship Fund! Tabling - $50 - $250 Organizations can share information at an exhibitor table during the conference. Tabling for the entire duration of the conference costs $250. Alternatively, the fee for tabling only at the Friday evening social is $100 for a full table and $50 for a half table. No sales are permitted. Donations There are many ways to support the conference, and we welcome donations: Monetary donations fund the conference Scholarship Fund which allows students and low-income individuals and co-op members to attend the conference at a discounted rate. Donations of any amount are welcome. In-Kind donations of food, beverages and auction items are welcome! social or one of our conference meals. Many Thanks to Our Conference Sponsors!