Co-op News

After a national search, Unitus’ Board of Directors is very pleased to welcome Steven Stapp as the organization’s new President & CEO.

The grounds of St. Patrick’s Seminary & University boast row upon row of broccoli, Swiss chard, kale, and strawberries this spring, products of a new parish Catholic workers cooperative created in a venture among the seminary, Guadalupe Associates, and the parish of St. Francis of Assisi, East Palo Alto.

SAN DIEGO - Pacific Gas & Electric claimed the top spot in the Solar Electric Power Association's (SEPA's) Top 10 rankings of U.S. utilities that put the most megawatts of solar on the grid in 2014. Meanwhile, the Pickwick Electric Cooperative of Selmer, Tenn., was named No. 1 in the rankings for adding the most solar watts per customer.

For several years, the Network of Latino Credit Unions and Professionals (NLCUP) has hosted a reception and networking event that has now become a tradition during CUNA’s Governmental Affairs Conference. This year the reception had a very special connotation: to celebrate the national expansion of Juntos Avanzamos (Together We Advance), a Hispanic outreach program started by the Texas Credit Union League around 10 years ago with the objective of bringing together credit unions committed to meeting the needs of Hispanic consumers.

More than 200 credit unions participating in the CO-OP Miracle Match program during 2015 netted $4.3 million for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, a 39 percent increase compared to the previous record set in 2014.

On January 27, eight Greater Nevada employees dressed as rock stars devoured more than 75 pancakes in three minutes to raise funds for the Special Olympics Nevada Polar Plunge. Meanwhile, dozens of other Greater Nevada employees cheered on the contestants, donated money, and enjoyed a hearty breakfast before beginning their work day.
