Wednesday, October 19, 2016 - 4:30pm to 8:30pm

The California Center for Cooperative Development invites one and all to join in a celebration all the ways that cooperatives build a better world at the Davis Farmers Market on Wednesday, October 19 from 4:30-8:30pm. Co-op Day at the Market offers an opportunity to introduce local cooperative enterprises and Cooperative Values to Farmers Market attendees.

Cooperatives build stronger communities, create jobs and opportunities for the benefit of their members. Across California the cooperative business model is used to address economic and social needs of communities, and Sacramento includes some excellent examples. Cooperatives are member-owned and democratically governed businesses that operate for the mutual benefit of their members, and they contribute in unique ways to their local communities. As local businesses, they boost the local economy through commerce and job creation, and return significant value beyond business profitability alone.

Co-op Day at the Market features booths from local cooperatives large and small. Residents will have the chance to meet representatives from member-run enterprises at the market.

Co-op Month


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