Jobs, Volunteering, & Internships

California Center for Cooperative Development (CCCD) is a charitable non-profit dedicated to promoting cooperatives as a vibrant business model, in order to address the economic and social needs of California’s communities through education, development and technical assistance. CCCD helps people realize opportunities by working together through cooperative enterprises.




We Are:

  • Dedicated to the non-profit mission of CCCD
  • Committed to making a difference through cooperative development

We Believe In:

  • Helping people to help themselves by addressing the need for jobs, farming opportunities, business development, housing, childcare and other services COOPERATIVELY!
  • Helping existing cooperative businesses be the best they can be
  • Always doing the best job possible


Volunteer and Internship Opportunities

CCCD welcomes applications for volunteer internships. Interns gain hands-on learning experiences but do not receive monetary compensation. Interns who are selected will work with staff to create a job description so that they have a defined focus.
Following are some of the areas where CCCD interns and volunteers have previously assisted:

  • Research related to addressing economic and social issues using the cooperative business model including: agricultural cooperatives, housing cooperatives, child care cooperatives, worker cooperatives, and other co-ops.
  • Economic feasibility studies or business plans.
  • Graphic Design: Creating promotional and educational materials using CANVA and Adobe Creative Suite.
  • Conference or event planning: organizing and implementation.
  • Data entry and building databases.
  • Grants: identification, writing, and submission.
  • Social Media: Promotion and education of cooperatives and CCCD.
  • Writing and reviewing articles.
  • Website development and maintenance—For CCCD and cooperatives we develop
  • Videography—Cooperative education
  • Cooperative Development—includes assisting with the development process in specific cooperative sectors or projects (for example housing, agriculture, farming, worker co-ops, child care)
  • Contributing expertise in housing, community development, tech/programing, accounting, business development, language translation (Spanish, Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, etc.) or other areas. 

Requirements and Skills:
Ability to communicate and present ideas clearly and effectively, both orally and in writing; establish and maintain effective working relationships with people of diverse cultures; and possess excellent computer skills in word processing (and, as applicable, in other areas such as spreadsheets, databases, adobe suite or other programs). Must have the ability to work independently and be a team player.

Student internships are best suited for students who are juniors, seniors or in graduate school and have a major related to the area of work. We also welcome applications from non-student volunteers.

Time Commitment:
Internships range from 10-15 hours per week for a minimum of 6 months (or 2 quarters). Hours are flexible but generally involve traditional work hours and may include some evening and weekend hours if schedules permit.

Benefits Gained from a CCCD Internship:
Interns enrich the work of our non-profit and help CCCD further its mission by helping interns better understand cooperatives and our non-profit. Each internship has a particular focus or project to work on, and offers experience in one or more of the following areas: community development, writing, graphic design, research, business planning and development, event planning and implementation, applied agricultural economics, social media, grant writing, communication skills, data management, and work with people who come from many different backgrounds. Internships can help students integrate classroom knowledge with real-life experience and provide anyone the opportunity to apply their skills and expertise, and generate a tangible product to showcase their abilities. We hope that interns also enrich their own lives by contributing to the cooperative movement.

How Do I Apply?
To apply, please complete this application and submit it along with your resume via email to: Subject: Internship. A cover letter is optional.
Apologies but incomplete applications will not be considered.



The California Center for Cooperative Development is an equal opportunity employer