Small Family Farms Aren't the Answer

The romance of neoliberal peasant farming blinds us to our collective power

Let’s get this out of the way, first:

  • I am a small farmer, operating on 40-ish acres in Virginia’s Northern Neck.
  • I am not paid by, in-hoc to, in league with, or particularly happy with ‘big agriculture.’ I’m just a guy who’s been in the small-sustainable farming business long enough to understand that the model is fatally flawed, and mature enough to say it out loud.
  • To my friends that run and staff far


'Grocery Story: The Promise of Food Co-ops in the Age of Grocery Giants' (book review)

Katherine Martinko | --You'll be shocked to learn what goes on behind the scenes at grocery stores – and relieved to know there's a much better alternative.

There is no doubt that the modern-day grocery store is a thing of wonder, a testament to the tremendous advances in food production, transportation, and refrigeration. You can buy South African lemons and Brazilian mangos in the middle of winter, or pile your dinner plate with shrimp from Thailand, sautéed greens from California, and Indian basmati rice on any given night.


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